Groupon headquarters is located Chicago, Illinois, United States. It is a global marketplace for a trade where one can find anything. Groupon has brought a great innovation in the real time market industry with the broad array of travel destinations, local business, lively events and real time commerce. It specializes in offering local commerce, technology, e-commerce, marketing, customer marketing and social media.
Company headquarters has provided a detailed information of the Groupon headquarters corporate office address, mailing address, phone numbers and headquarter team member information.

Groupon Headquarter Address
600 W Chicago Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60654 United States
Headquarter Phone Numbers
The headquarter phone support team is available 24 hours a day and all seven days a week.
Customer Support Number– 1-312-676-5773
Groupon Headquarters technical support– +1 888-664-4482
Mailing Address
Groupon Headquarters 600 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60654
Email Contact
Customers can contact Group customer help desk through email using the following address:
Headquarter Team
- Eric Lefkofsky – Chief Executive Officer
- Jason Child – Chief Financial Officer
- Karl Raman – Chief Operating Officer
Social Media Accounts
Find Groupon on social media accounts using the links mentioned below:
- Google Plus
- YouTube
How to Sign into Groupon
Step 1– Members of Groupon who are willing to access their account must go to the login homepage.
Step 2– Provide your Email and Password in the white boxes and click the button tagged “Sign In”.
If the credentials provided are correct you will be taken ahead to your account management homepage.
How to Contact through Email
Step 1– Users of Groupon can contact the customer support team through the email contact form found here Link.
Step 2– Once the webpage opens you will find a contact us form below. Enter the following information to complete the blank spaces:
- Name
- Subject
- Enter your comment in the blank spaces
- Type in the number displayed in the box below and click the ‘Submit Comment” button