Columbia Sportswear is headquartered in Washington County, Oregon United States. It is a U.S. based company that specializes in manufacturing and distributing sportswear, apparel accessories, sporting goods, footwear, greater outdoors and outer wear. The sportswear company is a leading sports apparel, accessories and footwear manufacturer. Columbia Sportswear has its subsidiaries operating in over 100 countries over the globe.
If you are looking for Columbia Sportswear headquarter details you have come to the right place. Company Headquarters provides you a complete information of Columbia Sportswear headquarters and customer service contact information. Read on and have a nice time ahead.

Columbia Sportswear Headquarters Address
14375 NW Science Park Dr. Portland, Oregon 97229 United States
Customer Service Phone Numbers
Columbia Sportswear headquarters- 1-503-985-4000
Customer Service U.S and Canada- 1-800-622-6953 or 1-800-265-7067
Switzerland Headquarters- +41-22-870-90-00
Headquarter Executive Team
Board of Directors
- Stephen E. Babson
- Sarah A. Ban
- Murrey R. Albers
- John W. Stanton
- Andy Bryant
- Edward S. George
- Walter T. Klenz
- Ron Nelson
Executive Team
- Tim Boyle
- Gert Boyle
- Bryan L. Timm
- Kerry Barnes
- Peter J. Bragdon
- Thomas B. Cusick
- Michael Blackford
- Daniel A. Dougherty
- Joe Boyle
- Shawn Cox
- Joseph R. Craig
- Christopher A. Gaylord
- Mitchell Fields
- Franco Fogliato
- James T. Gorman
- Daniel G. Hanson
- Russ Hopcus
- Mark Nenow
- Lisa A. Kulok
- Adrienne L. Moser
- Fred Pond
- Patrick J. Werner
- Susan G. Popp
- William Tung
Email Contact
To get in touch with the customer service department through email you need to fill the email contact form. Read the instructions below and have a great time resolving all issues.
Step 1– Click here Link to go to the email contact page.
Step 2– Provide the following details in the blank spaces to get started:
- Select a Message Subject
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Zip/Postal Code
- Style Number or Product Name
- Provide your Question in the blank space below
Step 3– Once you have provided the details below click on the button tagged “Submit your Question”.