Bank of America is one of the leading multinational banking and financial services corporation with a headquarter based in Charlotte, North Carolina. The bank offers a wide range of banking services to its customers that include- credit cards, debit cards, mortgages, personal and business accounts and asset management. It offers over 56 million customers in countries throughout the globe.
The customer service of the Bank of America is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. You can contact the help desk through the mail, telephone or live chat. Follow the guidelines mentioned below and have a nice time solving your queries.
How to Login in to your Bank of America Online Banking Account
Step 1– Visit the homepage of Bank of America and then look for the Secure Sign-In section at the top left of the webpage.
Step 2– Enter your Online ID and Password in the white boxes and then click “Sign In”. You can check the “Save Online ID” box if you wish the browser to remember your account.
Once you are signed in you can access your banking account, check balance, transfer funds, repay loans and much more from the comfort of your home.
Bank America Customer Service Phone Numbers
The average wait time for customer service is 3 minutes. Scroll down to access the service phone numbers.
Online Banking/Bill Pay– 877-768-9836
Customer Service– 800-285-6000
Bankruptcy– 800- 669-5224
Credit Cards– 800-732-9194
Fraud Reporting– 877-366-1121
Credit Cards800– 421-2110
Mortgages– 800-669-6607
Mortgage Services– 888-325-6435
Home Retention– 877-327-9225
Executive Customer Relations– 704-386-5687
Customer Service– 800-669-6076
Customer Service– 877-833-5617
General Account Information
Lost or Stolen ATM or Debit Card
Open Account– 00.432.1000 1.315.724.4022 International Collect
Bank of America Contact us Form
You can submit a request using the contact us form. Click here Link to access the contact form and then select your account type.
Click “Go” and you will be directed to the contact page.
Mailing Address
Bank of America
PO Box 25118
Tampa, FL 33622-5118
BOFA Corporate Office Address
Bank of America Corporate Center
100 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28255
BOFA Postal Address
Suite 6001, PO Box 803126
Dallas, Texas 75380
Locate an ATM nearby
Use the ATM locator page to find a BOFA branch or ATM near you.